Welcome to the new Jyotish Tutorial series by Patti Foy
Patti Foy is a certified Vedic Astrologer
and an accredited Teacher and Tutor for
both the American College of Vedic Astrology
(ACVA) and for the Council of Vedic Astrology
(CVA) where she's also been given the title
of Jyotish Visharada, CVA. She's been working
with satisfied clients world-wide since 1998.
You can contact her, read more of her articles,
and access her services (including but not
limited to Jyotish) at her website/blog
Lightspirited Being.
Basic Money Indicators: Natural Money Planets
1.0 Basic Money Indicators
In this first section we'll talk about the most basic of money indicators: Money planets and money houses. We'll also discuss difficult houses, or dusthanas, and their indications as they relate to money.
Out of necessity I'm going to keep this discussion fairly simplistic since we can't get into all the intricacies and nuances of this complex art and science in each article. Plus, I think it serves us best to keep each idea somewhat separate.
One by one, we'll go through things you can look at that in themselves can show wealth or lack thereof. Putting them all together and including the more fundamental ideas of jyotish will require your own experience and skill as a jyotishi.
So, for example, a good, strong ascendant is always one of the first things to look at for any area of life. An unafflicted ascendant and ascendant lord are helpful here as well. So use your basic understandings like this even though I won't mention them because they're not specifically related to wealth.
In this section, we'll talk about:
1.1 Natural Money Planets
1.2 Money Houses
1.3 Difficult Houses (dusthanas, and ways to work with them)
(Sections 1.2 and 1.3 are in subsequent articles.)
1.1 Natural Money Planets
Each planet has a benefic or a malefic influence, and as you know, they have a natural influence (their intrinsic nature, the same in everyone's chart) and a functional influence (as a function of the Ascendant, or rather, of which houses that planet rules).
We'll talk about the functional money planets in section 2.1.
First we'll talk about those planets that naturally indicate money.
At the top of our list and the star of our show has to be Jupiter, the planet that is naturally the great benefic and the greatest natural money planet of all.
Jupiter always shows wealth and prosperity in a chart. Even if it's also a functional malefic, that does not destroy its beneficence. In that case, it has a mixed influence, but its positive indications still exist.
Jupiter as an Indicator of Wealth
Because it's the great benefic and it's a money planet, Jupiter is the most important planet to check first when you are looking for sources of wealth in a chart.
It shows your capacity to earn as well as to gain or accumulate money, as it's essentially an indicator or karaka of all the money houses (which are covered in the next Section 1.2).
Jupiter's Location
Just as with any of the other money planets we'll be discussing, Jupiter's location is of utmost importance.
In Section 3.0 of this series we'll go through each of the locations in detail with an eye toward what it can mean in relation to sources of wealth.
But for now, it's enough to know that you want to check Jupiter's location first.
Pay special attention to its:
1) House
2) Sign
3) Nakshatra
These will indicate in what area of life or in what manner the person's wealth might originate.
For example, if Jupiter's in the 3rd house, their wealth could come from writing, communications, or even brothers. If the 7th, then from partnerships, spouse, or clients. (Note that these are just to name a few possibilities.)
If that house is an air sign, then they likely use their mind to accrue wealth, etc.
As I said, we'll go into how to use the location in much more detail later.
Jupiter's Influence
Besides its location, it's important to check Jupiter's influence on planets or other houses that it aspects, rules, or otherwise influences (e.g. via an exchange of signs, or a parivartana yoga).
These also can become sources of wealth.
Influences on Jupiter
You also want to check how other planets influence Jupiter, because they will add a certain quality to how it operates and thus how wealth is accrued.
We'll talk in more detail about planets influencing each other in Section 2.2 of this series
Jupiter Transits
Just as you want to look at Jupiter in a chart (with respect to everything I just mentioned) you can also look at transiting Jupiter with respect to all these same things. It will add a secondary, temporary influence that can be folded in to your interpretation.
Venus as a Lesser Natural Money Indicator
It's not as strong an indicator as Jupiter but one other natural benefic that can sometimes act as a money indicator is Venus, the lesser benefic.
Wherever you see Venus, especially if it's connected to other wealth indicators (yet to be covered), it will often show wealth, but usually the type of wealth that relates to Venus' nature such as beautiful, luxurious, sensual, decadent, etc.
You can look at Venus in much the same way as I outlined for Jupiter above; just don't give it nearly as much weight.
Up next: Section 1.2 Money Houses
I'll see you there!
And remember, if you have questions or comments, we can interact directly on this comment and question page on my site.
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