Panchangam, Vedic Astrology, Kundli

Hartalika Teej Puja date -- हरतालिका तीज
for Ashburn, Virginia, America (United States)

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Hartalika Teej -- हरतालिका तीज

Hartalika Teej -- हरतालिका तीज; in Ashburn, Virginia, America (United States) is on August 25, 2025
Puja Muhurt Details
Sunrise Time: Aug/27/2025 06:34:21
Sunset Time: Aug/27/2025 19:49:56
Chogadia Muhurt -- Hartalika
ChogadiaTime FromTime To
Amrit Aug/27/2025 06:34:21 Aug/27/2025 08:13:48
Shubh Aug/27/2025 09:53:15 Aug/27/2025 11:32:42
Labh Aug/27/2025 16:31:02 Aug/27/2025 18:10:29
Amrit Aug/27/2025 18:10:29 Aug/27/2025 19:49:56

Panchang for Hartalika Teej -- हरतालिका तीज

Haritalika Teej / Swarna Gowri Vratam / Kevada Trij

Gowri Habba (Kannada: ) is a significant festival in parts of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. It is known as Hartalika in the North Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Ma Goddess Gowri (Gauri), the mother of Ganesha and wife of Shiva, is worshiped throughout India for her ability to bestow upon her devotees courage and power. Hindu belief has it that Goddess Gowri is the very incarnation of Aadhi Shakthi Mahamaya. She is the Shakthi of Lord Shiva. It is believed that on Thadige, or the third day of the month of Bhaadra, Goddess Gowri comes home like any married woman comes to her parents house. The next day Lord Ganesha, her son, comes as if to take her back to Kailasa.

The Swarna Gowri vratha is performed on the occasion to appease the Goddess.