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Any Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh or Linux (GUI) based computer
Internet Explorer browser is prefered for better formatting and printing of charts
For Firefox and Safari Please use Times New Roman as a default font in browser with size of 9px.
On Macintosh and Linux Times New Roman font is not installed by default. Please install "Installer for Microsoft Truetype core fonts" ( ttf-mscorefonts-installer). This will help better pagination.
The downloadable software is based on .NET and hence it works on Microsoft Windows based computers. However the web version with the help of browser will work on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux based computers, Just point your browser to
Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 2008, and Microsoft Windows 7 with .Net 3.5 support.
The web version at can be used on Windows PC, Macintosh Computers, Linux. However for this downlable software Microsoft Windows based PC is required
Latest version of Internet Explorer (8.x or higher -- tested with IE 8.0)
Internet connection
Other requirements for Microsoft Windows based PCs
For saving into chart into Microsoft XPS document format nothing more to install. Microsoft Windows comes preinstalled with Microsoft XPS document writter and viewer.
For printing, a supported color or black & white printer.
Setup might determine and install .Net support libraries if required directly from website
Click close
"astrology by mypanchang" will be added to Programs menu
"Shortcut to nakshatra.exe" will appear in "astrology by mypanchang" program menu
"Shortcut to nakshatra.exe" will appear on Desktop
"mypanchang charts" folder will be created under "My Documents" folder
Usage and Basic Operations
Launching Astrology Software
Double click on the "Shortcut to nakshatra.exe" icon on Desktop or "astrology by mypanchang" from the Program menu
Generate a new Chart (Kundali / Jatakam / Teva or Janampatri)
Select File|New
Select Vedic chart for Janma-kundali or Jatakam for traditional Kundali/Jatakam (Most common)
Select KP chart for a Krishnamurty Paddhati Birth chart
follow Enter chart
Click Submit
Save charts for future use
Select folder "mypanchang charts" under "My Document folder
Save charts as PDF
If you don't have PDF writer/generation software installed then Download and install Cutepdf Writer or PrimoPDF
Writer software
Click on the "Print it!" button on the webpage
Wait till it finishes loading
Select File|Print
Select cutepdf or primppdf printer
When prompted enter the file name to save. Remember the saved location.
Save charts as XPS (Microsoft XPS Document Format)
Click on the "Print it!" button on the webpage
Wait till it finishes loading
Select File|Print
Select Micorosoft XPS Document Writer
When prompted enter the file name to save. Remember the saved location.
Print charts
Click on the "Print it!" button on the webpage
Wait till it finishes loading
Select File|Print or Print preview
Select appropriate printer from the print dialog
Setting Astrologer's Name and Address
Select Edit|Astrologer Info menu
Enter your name and address, web, and phone and other information you wish to print on Jatakams/Kundalis prepared by you (only 4 lines will be printed)
Checking for updates
Software always checks for updates if available and display it on the status bar. If update is available double click on the status bar and update will be downloaded and automatically installed
Click on Help|Check Update or click on toolbar item "Check Update". If update available it will prompt you if you want to download and install the update. Please select Yes and update will be downloaded and installed for you. If you already have the latest version status bar will say "You have the latest version"
Entering Chart Details
Enter fullname of whose Jatakam/Kundali (Vedic Astrology chart of the sky at the time of birth) you want to prepare (for Numerology Feature we advise you to entere complete name or the name he is using)
Select birth month from drop down box.
Enter birth date and birth year
Enter Birth time in the 24 hours format. If born in afternoon use 13:00 for 1 PM, 14:00 for 2PM basically add 12 hours to birth time for births during afternoon till midnight. For midnight use 00:00. If a person is born at midnight 12:00 hours, enter 00:00 as a birth time
Select country of birth from the drop down menu
If the country of birth is either India or United states you'll have a choice to select a birth state from drop down menu
Enter first 3 character of Place of birth. Wait and you'll get a blue selection menu from which you can select place of birth
If your birth place doesn't appear then use the original name for example: Enter Kolkata instead of culcutta, enter Chennai instead of Madras, enter Mumbai instead of Bombay, Bengaluru instead of Bangalore
If you still can't find your location you can send us email with longitude, latitude of that place and we'll add it to our database. We can be reached at shastriji at mypanchang dot com.
Alternatively you can enter longitude and latitude directly into appropriate fields. If you perfer to enter longitude / latitude manually and your country of birth observes daylight saving time you need to enter that information manually
Daylight saving time will be automatically updated based on place of birth. However it's always important to double check such things
Select your ayanamsha -- Lahiri is the most common. If you don't know which one to use then use lahiri. Most astrologers uses Lahiri Ayanamsha
Select chart style -- North or South. This is used for divisional charts. Main Rasi and Navamansha chart will be drawn in both North indian and South indian format.
Verify all details you have provided
After verifying all details please click "Submit" button.
How to share Janampatri, Jatakam, Kundali
To email charts to your family and friends or another astrologer:
Save charts as either PDF or as XPS document
You can email PDF file or XPS document file (You may want to compress/zip them before sending)
Alternatively tell your friends to download our software and send the downloaded chart file (.xml) file located in "mypanchang charts" under "My Documents" folder.
Chart -- Kundali, Jatakam, Teva, or Janampatri
Planents and Lagna Abbreviations
AS -- Ascendent of Lagna
SU -- Sun or Surya
MO -- Moon or Chandra
MA -- Mars or Mangal or Kuja
ME -- Mercury or Budha
JU -- Jupiter or Brihaspati or Guru
VE -- Venus or Sukra
SA -- Saturn or Shani
RA -- Rahu
KE -- Ketu
MD -- Maha dasa
AD -- Antardasa or sub period
PD -- Pratyantar dasa or sub-sub period
Transit -- Gochara
Bug reports & Feature requests
Stay current on software and updates by visiting this page.
To submit software suggestions, email to nospam-shastriji at mypanchang dot com. Please remove "nospam-" from the email id
Software is Freeware. (i.e. Payment is not required)
If you wish to make voluntary monetary donations by Paypal, send payment to mypanchang at live dot com. If you wish to donate by other methods, contact shastriji at mypanchang dot com.
yaj jagrato duram udaiti daivam tad u
suptasya tatHaivaiti|
duramgamam jyotisam jyotir ekam tan me manaH shivasankalpam astu||
||shri shukla yajurveda vajasaneyi samhita (madhyandina sakha) 34.1|| The
divine essence that goes far away, from the waking, and likewise from
the sleeping, and that one far-traveling Light of lights, on that-the
auspicious will of the divine-may my mind dwell.
sarve janA sukhino santu ..
kriShNa! kriShNa!! kriShNa!!!
I bow down to the supreme personality of godhead Lord kriShNa who makes
incomplete complete.
Pundit Mahesh Shastriji
Seattle, WA, USA
shastrijii at mypanchang dot com Visitor: